Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

06 August 2020

Goodnight toys for savage boys

Echo returns screams of a blue
when middark hand reaches out...

Cracked lips nervously pressed,
one wish upon their edges...

Bound by nothing yet a prisoner
searching for what I've found long ago...

Ice cream truck with familiar tune
driving kids mad in neighborhood...

They sitting at the window looking out.
Smudgy fingerprints mark the plea...

Dark sun is rising and day flew away
Ice cream is melting in the truck... 

Squeezing my pillow, wishing for touch
Getting nothing out of the dark...

Coin for the undead and master of me
quietly shuffle his feet under the table...

He had enough of ice cream for one day
It's time to sleep and squish the toys... 

Nobody will know... 

13 December 2019

Lake of memories

There was a time when you came to my banks with smile and excitement. Reward of a a lonely day.
Beautiful scenery and feeling of simple yed deep connection. Your body would submerge into me, your lake, and together we would swim on waves of laughter, passion and words.
I have them still with me, still reading them out loud many times. Words you erased long time ago...
And I can't forget

03 November 2019

In the rain of light and darkness

Air has flown into my lungs
Upon leaving my body
It left me in the shower of light

My back - Burning
My face - drowning
Returning to myself is not an option

I mean no harm... While destroying the world of two in a fire of pain
I mean no harm... The air in my lungs feeds the flame

Why do you let me burn thinking I set myself to become ashes, in your mind...

I could not breathe the air,
nor could I make a sound.

Till today I still believe in Dragon den
One clumsy dragon
Burned to the ground

17 July 2019


Mischievous hint
sparks and then fire.
Stone, before wet,
cracks of desire
Flames licking rock
then water came
smooth as your tongue
feel of no shame

Have I told you that today I have never felt more lonely in my entire life?
My stone cracked and it is bleeding out... So pretty

24 March 2019

Door to Wonderland

Rusty nob of palisander door, pushed by a shaky hand. 
What will Alice find this morning in the wonderland? 
Perhaps a quote from a mistreated professor will turn her small
Or cake with a hidden dagger blade ripped her flesh, grow tall
Nurse doll dressed by doctors, with smiley grinning fangs
Maybe a dark black bubble where air burns small girly lungs

The Queen of Hearts scares you not... 

Emptiness does, the vast nothing that sits on your neck, blocking your breath, 
heck! Alice! Handle the shock with some grace
Not bareback in a cornfield counting raindrops on your face! 
One, two, three, four count to ten to million if you must
Grind pills to dust, swallow, and comply
Dreams so high then turned to needles slowly fading with your memories, inked under your skin
They win, they always fucking win. 

Riped blue dress on a girl named Alice, soaked in the lake of a lonely voice
Speaking of ending marching dead rabbits. 
Shoot? It's your choice

Every day starts the same, nob that turns the side
I am done being blue dress Alice, I want to run and hide...