Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

25 July 2014


There was a time 
when we were more than this
Far beyond smile
Story of midnight bliss
Light after a night
fire that burns so much
By my side
reading a book of touch
now need you less
everyday lovely pray
so cruel and strange
You have no word to say
this wall of past
call for a heart and smile
what you should see
building a rock hard pile
Look for me there
Where we played moon and sun
stay on the side
till this world is undone...

02 July 2014

Sailors return

Midnight lake and moon, my sun
company I wish to stay
when this waiting will be done ? 
I silently whispered pray

Will he come back to my tears
will he fulfil furtive vows
will he sail the furthest nears
and come back to our house

our place with trees and hill
where we can howl proud and loud
and laugh and dream and live
and play love and lust around

this is the night when he returns
the wolves are silently howling 
the fire in the dark cottage burns 
everything is ready for welcoming

Just come to me please ...

Our story

Innocence of your request
gentle words
smile and care
that summer sun shining so bright
You brought storm it was so right
I smiled ... I smiled

you showed me myself
you showed me yourself
together forever together
till the end of the world

bright eyes of sky
burning holes in my heart
after all those days
the red warm love running out
but there is no doubt
I smile I smile

I miss you and your soul
howling all night and day
I cant forget your eyes
they are with me every second
I never want to end this bond
I will smile again ...

you showed me myself
you showed me yourself
together forever together
till the end of the world I will love your eyes