picture of horror for every soul
sailing these waters. Undying me,
capturing old life to feed my hole.
I was not born here, to cause a pain
Pleasure is what they're seeking in me
Leaving them tortured, nearly insane...
When will this end? I want to see.
Story I am telling, old as an Earth
is comming from pain, Sirens love birth
She was sitting every day on the same spot. She knew he will be there. Did I said he? Anybody will be there, passing by, floating on the undying waves. One song, thats all it takes. One songs to feed her and her sisters. One song ...
Day by day she bled men tho their doom, riped their flesh and felt nothing. Felling nothing, oh how amazing that sounds now. Feeling nothing. Please Poseidon, the ruler of waves let me feel nothing again. I cant stand to feel anymore.
One day, as she was singing her sing to the fish and pearls, a boat shined at the horizont. Beautiful mahogany wood, and she stared. How beautifully peacefull were waves playing with it. Here and there. Heart of the Sirene is tricky, my dear. Heart of the sirene. "Do you need help my lady" standing on the porch a young captain, looking very old. No he was not old his eyes were old. His eyes saw many battles, but his face was young. Looking at this godless creature with most beautiful blue old eyes. He cant see a sirene. He see a woman. A pure human. Just stranded maybe need of help. Oh how human of him. Perhaps this one can pass... she likes him. Maybe he can, just for this once, see tomorrow. And his crew will see their families. This once? She already had a meal, her sisters are fed. He is nice... so nice. He cares. Why does he care so much? She smiled and vanished in the rocks. He was looking for her many days. Such a beautiful woman. She saw him there. Floating around. It would be so.easy to stop him. So why cant she? Watching his every move... his determination, and the eyes oh the eyes, like water. She smiles...
Maybe she can try, curious she is, curiouse creature. One day she was on her ussual place and he found her. Mesmerized by her smile and by her self, he aproched her.
Curious Sirene, she felt something, compasion perhaps, perhaps she felt all.
She felt all that is to lost herself in his blue eyes. The first touch ... who is he who is she. Together now, as close as it gets. She felt everything when his eyes changed. No more water but fire. Pain, so much pain. Fire that burns, sword thats hanging of her chest. So much pain... she is feeling. Her heart barely could beat that fast. It felt like one long beat. Nothing, left ... so much pain.
He was there to kill her, to kill the creature responsible for killing so many. He was her executioner. As she was gasping for breaths she kept looking in his eyes. Lokking for water. There was non anymore. Just fire... why?