Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

06 August 2020

Goodnight toys for savage boys

Echo returns screams of a blue
when middark hand reaches out...

Cracked lips nervously pressed,
one wish upon their edges...

Bound by nothing yet a prisoner
searching for what I've found long ago...

Ice cream truck with familiar tune
driving kids mad in neighborhood...

They sitting at the window looking out.
Smudgy fingerprints mark the plea...

Dark sun is rising and day flew away
Ice cream is melting in the truck... 

Squeezing my pillow, wishing for touch
Getting nothing out of the dark...

Coin for the undead and master of me
quietly shuffle his feet under the table...

He had enough of ice cream for one day
It's time to sleep and squish the toys... 

Nobody will know...