Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

17 November 2013

Love me, hate me, let me go

World is staying still
every time you smile
and against my will
my master 
you knock me down

Forest full of scream
my master 
let me fly again
let me feel again
may I ever dream?

A horse for my thoughts
Kingdom for my heart 
a hand of a princess  
for not braking apart...
my master

So weak too weak 
my master
will you listen 
my silent bleeding?
your deceiving.

My master
Is that you under the cap
teeth like a monster
from my nightmares 
shivering, but who cares

Eternity is long time for me and you my majesty
a minute is too much for me and you master
Let me go take this chains of my feet so I fly
or say the word and here so quietly I die ... 

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