Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

28 August 2012

Heartfall of your dream

One may dream
dream about princess
princess in a tower
she is beautiful
like new born flower
eyes like oceans
hair painted by gold sun
she is gonna smile
she is gonna look
she is gonna kiss
forgive all you have done
No dragons in this world
to protect beauty
no funny roses smell
or thorns to hold you back
just come and take her
if you want
its every knight duty

I will never be
white princess in a tower
no beauty outside
just women waiting
waiting for her hour
I will never shine like star
I wont give you kingdom
with my hand
I scream sometimes
sometimes cry
everything is true so far.
I can give you what she cant
look at my eyes
you will see
love is burning inside me

29 June 2012

Poet`s night wish

Illusion of your gentle kiss
lost in some dream
Illusion of your love
lots of things I miss
Poet searching for her dream
cant be driven by her mind
answer of love and happiness
in some heart there may be find
In the midnight gentle wish
driven mad by poets soul
ripped apart so many times
leaving there an empty hole.
She cant capture wish of  night
running away from your breath
Will you help her find a path
leading by a golden thread?
My golden hank is very thin
leading me from deep dark side
don`t be scared and lead me out
let  my heart be shine and bright
I have just that, nothing more
just one hope for fearless smile
just one wish I`m praying for
stay with me don`t let me die...

01 April 2012

World of wonders

Ch :Tell me wonderer tell me the truth
Say what colour is the sun
When is the best time to fall in love
Or is it already done? 

Crawling trough a sparkly night 
Dark wonderer searching for an answers
there is an hope of light
Vial of pure life in hands of forest dancers

How much would you cost in eyes of wonderer
Where can be night hidden during a day
Is there a life before a death
Can anybody say?

Ch: Tell me wonderer tell me the truth
Say what colour is the sun
When is the best time to fall in love
Or is it already done?

Green-eyed forest whispering a song
Windmill of your life turning around
centuries of windy prays
only wonderer can hear that sound

So tell me dark rider tell me please
essence of life growing in a lake
petals of tulip taking care of me
this feeling only you can make

11 February 2012

Again down

It`s okay to write
what have been writen thousand times?
But I can not fit
all my heart and soul in some rhymes!
fucked up past
closing fast
everything I have will not last...

R; Down again
I`ve swore to God I never be
down again
I will not be weak
little weird freak
I will never let you see
that I am
down again

Smile is my friend
for many years, my best one ever
White crying paper
behind the smile, gonna say NEVER
You can hide
the world inside
I am choosing silence over the fight

You know why
and I should have known better
not sending text
not sending God damn letter
I know it, see?
but you tell now to me
how I am gonna stay in one piece and free

R; Down again
I`ve swore to God I never be
down again
I will not be weak
little weird freak
I will never let you see
that I am
down again

Your body is here
but where you left your heart and mind
near is it?
Nah, it really can`t be found
silently shout
your sadness out
ever there can`t be No DOUBT

I am going down
letting down
falling down

05 February 2012

I will not

Soft feather
falling down
Sad eyes
black around
Your screaming
will no one hear
Only thing left
is you deep fear

Angels need hugs too

healing tears
the farest nears
God maybe will
I wont forgive you

U can hurt me thousand times
U may lay your hands on me
U can lock me in the cage
I will set myself to free...

10 January 2012


Pieseň prázdnych stromov
sa dušou ozýva
v človeku bez citu.
Zovrieš list v dlani
a prinesieš ho domov,
kde v krbe
zhorí na popol sivý.
Vášňou plameňov
zovretý v náručí,
na krásu rozpadu,
dívať ťa naučí
na slasti boľavej vášne
ohňa a rúk.
Na večný tanec
nesmrteľných múk.
Čo ukončí teraz
a začne potom. Sen?
Smiešna záchrana
Samého seba?
Ver že sa to nedá
to viem...

08 January 2012

Colour of your eyes

Where am I and where is my song
How can I become stone strong
Is there a beauty inside the beast
Am I a loved one or just feast

Is there still my song in your soul
Is there a heart which isn't cold
The wind is blowing, pointing my way
Listen what the threes want to say...

my dark love
I've found you far away
like black dove
I want to make you stay.

Oblivion was my only sword
Sit next to me, don't say a word
Look at me, so I can sleep
For I can feel my love so deep

There is a song in your eyes
Play for me love, it feels so nice
Deep blue ocean turns in green.
Tell me what does it all mean.

my dark love
I've found you far away
like black dove
I want to make you stay.

At the end of a day