Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

01 September 2018

Missed misty morning

Golden cage and straps that burns
Tower high in sky's strong grip
He does know how my head turns
But he missed that one last trip
Tears and screams that no one hears
My face turning towards sun!
Every time I show my fears
feeling comes that he is done.

Yesterday I wasn't me
Yesterday, that came as mist
I wish I could set him free
I wish that he does exist...
Realm of treas, of midnight sun
His voice takes my echoed soul
There, where my sins are undone
Where i can be split time whole

You're not real and I'm not real
Only your heart that I've had
Reality tend to steal
Dreams of fairies that gone mad

Golden cage and bars that stings
Mornings gone to sunny day
Lying empty on my wings
Misty morning fades away...

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