Don`t be afraid of unknown embrace you fears....

05 September 2018

Snowglobe of mind

Peaceful look as snow falls down
Gently, slowly without sound
Beauty shines
as globe faces sun
Sturdy glass and trees and ground

And snow falls down

Every flake that softly flow
Towards the doom of its life
Brings more
Silence, that burns
Imagining pure endless strife

As snow falls down

Last piece of this puzzeled time
Fitting into globe of mind
But there's more
To know to see
Spare one moment to be kind

If snow falls down

in this beauty, peacefull sigh
There is something you must know
You must stir
And shake and bang
For then you see the white bright show

Only after, snow fals down

Credit for the globe creation (picture) goes to Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz!

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